Ocean Rosy is a research organization located in Sri Lanka. We are a committed group of researchers, marine biologists, and conservationists dedicated to the protection and preservation of marine and associated aquatic ecosystems. Our major objectives are to promote the responsible use of marine resources and to raise public awareness of the importance of marine conservation.
At Ocean Rosy, we conduct research and collect data to better understand the threats to our marine and associated environments. We closely collaborate with local communities, government authorities, and other organizations to develop and implement effective conservation strategies. Our projects include conservation, education programs, sustainable fishing initiatives, and research on the impacts of climate change on the marine environment and its species.
Our team is passionate about marine conservation, and we believe that everyone has a role to play in protecting the ocean. Through our work, we aim to inspire others to join us in our efforts to preserve the natural beauty of our marine environment for generations to come.

Registered not-for-profit organization in Sri Lanka (Reg No: GA 00267176).
OCEAN ROSY incorporated as a Company limited by guarantee having complied with the requirements under the Companies Act, No7 of 2007.

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